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¡Salva vidas HOY!

Cuando apoyas al Consejo Mid-Shore sobre Violencia Familiar, caminas de la mano con los sobrevivientes locales en su diario desde la crisis hasta la autosuficiencia.


Current Employment Opportunities

Daily Planner, Journal, and Pen

Associate Director

The Associate Director will report directly to the Executive Director and assist with oversight of day-to-day operations related to efforts such as crisis and transitional services, management of grant funding, support of Donor Development efforts, and Human Resources.

Life preserver on a beach

Donor Development Coordinator

The Donor Development Coordinator reports directly to the Executive Director and is responsible for helping develop a fundraising strategy to diversify MSCFV’s revenue streams and ensure the sustainability of our mission.  The selected candidate will work with MSCFV staff, leadership and volunteers to implement a wide range of fundraising initiatives.

Legal Advocate

The Legal Advocate reports to the Director of Victim Services and helps victims and survivors of domestic violence across three counties on Maryland's Mid-Shore with legal paperwork, accompaniment to court appearances, and more.  

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